Why Dental Health Check Ups are so Important

One of the major issues facing dentists, patients and patients wallets is that the majority of us don’t visit the dentist on a regular basis. According to research from CDC, one-third of American adults haven’t been to the dentist in the last two years. More than a quarter of adults only visit the dentist when…

they have a problem.

The infrequency and irregularity of dental check-ups is causing a huge number of problems for us. The facts say a lot here with 30% of adults having tooth decay, 66% of us having visible plaque and 29% of the population suffering from regular pain in the mouth or teeth.

How Often Should You Visit the Dentist

Both adults and children should visit the dentist regularly, as often as they recommend. For those with certain medical conditions, your dental team may want to see you more often.

It is also important to remember that certain types of medication may impact our oral health too, for instance, patients who have ‘dry mouth’ caused by medication may be more likely to get tooth decay and will need to visit their dental team more often.

Why Dental Check Ups Are So Important

The problem we have is that many of us ignore the health of our mouth, especially when we compare it to our overall body health. We allow problems to develop before we actually visit the dentist.

There are a wide number of issues this creates but we have listed the two most common issues left unchecked;

Allowing Gums to Bleed

Allowing your gums to bleed helps create cavities and inflamed gums – pockets develop under the gum-line filled with bacteria that eat away the teeth and eventually the bone causing tooth loss. Visiting the dentist regularly can ensure your gum health is properly maintained and early treatment prevents serious problems developing.

Tooth Pain

Tooth pain is most often caused from cavities forming. Once a cavity reaches the stage where it is causing pain then root canal treatment (or possibly tooth loss) is more likely, or an extensive filling. Regular check-ups ensure that the beginnings of a filling can be identified, treated and additional brushing routines created.

Overall dental check-ups will dramatically decrease the potential for all oral health problems becoming serious. They are also cost effective compared to paying for expensive major dental works such as tooth replacements, crowns and gum repair.

Teenagers are especially at risk for periodontal disease with increase hormone changes and levels of progesterone and estrogen. Parents need to be especially diligent in getting their adolescents to practice good at-home dental hygiene and making sure they see the dentist. It is important to note that periodontal disease in teens can also be a sign of early systemic illness. A dentist can be your first line of defense in discovering other medical conditions in your child that require attention.

Dr. Grewal with New Age Dentistry is highly skilled in pediatric dentistry. He can work with you and your children on proper dental care, as well as offering tips on maintaining their oral health. We believe in working with families to make sure their children get the dental care they deserve. We can answer any insurance questions you have and help you work out dental care for your child that you can afford. Contact our office so we can work with you.